
Investigaciones realizadas

Las tesis doctorales

Título de investigación

Nombre del investigador\a

Entre el cielo y el suelo: sectores medios – identidades fragmentadas en Santiago de Chile (1932-1962)
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner y Prof. Alfredo Riquelme Segovia

Claudia Stern

Fantasmas del pasado, desafios medio-orientales del presente: las relaciones hispano-israelies, 1956-1992
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Guy Setton (2015)

"‫  Over the rainbow": migration, lives and identifications among U.S. citizens at Costa Rica, 1945-1980
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein y Prof. Billie Melman

Atalia Shragai

Fire in the Backyard: The US and the American Press Facing the Revolutionary Ferment in the Caribbean Basin during the Cold War Years
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Aviv Cohen (2012)

Subversion, dialogue or consensus reinforcemen: Hybridization, Identity and Historic Narrativization in Argentinean Telenovelas 
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Gabriela Jonas Aharoni (2012)

Indians and Indigenistas in the field of criminal law :the cases of Mexico and Peru, 1910s-1960s 
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner y Prof. Asaf Likhovsky

Lior Ben David (2011)

Uruguay: from democracy to the authoritarism of terra and back
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Meir Yakter (2011)

Origínes del orden represivo uruguayo : usos y percepciones de la violencia (1945-1968)
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner

Leandro Kierszenbaum (2011)

Globo Television Network during the military regime in Brazil (1965-1985)
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner

Nahuel Ribke (2010)

The Routinization of Dependency: Argentina and the International Monetary Fund, 1944-1977
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Claudia kedar (2009)

The Successes of Failure: The Teachers' Movement during the Spanish Transition to Democracy
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Tamar Groves (2009)

The thought of Jose Ortega y Gasset|dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Lior Rabi (2009)

The formation of a Female Political Elite in Franco's Spain: The National Leadership of the Sección Femenina de la FET (1936-1977) 
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Inbal Ofer (2006)

Between Essentialism and Modernity: Aesthetics, Identities and Politics in Madrid's Cultural Scene, 1923-1936
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Silvina Schammah Gesser (2007)

Peronists and revolutionaries: the struggle for hegemony and generational shifts in the Argentinian Labour movement (1966-1976) 
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Efraim Davidi (2005)

Victoria Ocampo y Sur (1931-1955): entre Europa y America 
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Rosalie Sitman (2002)

Cinema, Cultural Dependence and Political Protest: The Struggle for National Identity Formation in Argentina and Brazil
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein y Prof. Régine-Mihal Friedman

Tzvi Tal  (2002)

The constitution as tool of national integration revolutionary Mexico, 1917-1924 
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Marcelo  Blidstein (2000)

El Mito del Socialismo Indígena en Mariátegui. Fuentes y Contextos Peruanos
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Gerardo Leibner

Peronization and De-Peronization of Argentina's education system, 1946-1962
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Esti Monica Rein

Argentine leftist intellectuals, nationalism and social justice, the origins of Peronism?

Idit Gil

Agrarian Reform and Political Destiny in Mexico: Lázaro Cárdenas and Adalberto Tejeda, 1928-1934
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin

Eitan Ginzberg

The Franco-Perón Alliance: Relations between Spain and Argentina, 1946-1955
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin y Prof. Shlomo Ben Ami

Raanan Rein


Tesis  M.A

Título de investigación

Nombre del investigador\a

Foreigners in the service of liberation theology. Foreign priests in Lima shantytowns, 1968-1983
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner 
Anat Stolarsky (2011)
המורליזם המקסיקני והאמנות האירופאית : השפעה סגנונית ויצירה חדשה (1924-1920)
בהנחיית פרופ' צבי מדין
סיגלית סבטליט (2010)
Professional Imperialism: The Marines, Professionalism and the USA Occupations in Central America and the Caribbean, 1916–1934
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner y Prof. Michael Zakim
Ilan Diner (2010)
We Were All Guilty, Nobody is to Blame': Strategies for the re-coding of the Spanish Civil War Memory during  the Transition to Democracy in Spain
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein
Daniel Kressel  (2009)
"ה"אינדיאני" וה"כובש" – הבנייתו של האחר והבניית העצמי: כיבושה של אמריקה, 1492-1521
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin 
Yael Mabat  (2008)
United State and Cuban politics 1952-1961 - on behalf of democracy?
dirigida por Prof. Tzvi Medin
Bat Sheva Regev 
The banana people: creating a colonial culture at the United Fruit company colonies in central America 1900-1960
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein y Prof. Billie Melman

Atalia Shragai


Cuban initiatives of multilateral agreements in the international sugar markets, 1926-1933
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner
Sary Shenhar (2006)
Civilized, semi-civilized and savages
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner
Lior Ben-David
Between two cities, Concepción and Santiago: regional conflicts and loyalties during Chile war of independence
​dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner
Uri Rozenheck, (2005)
Coira, an introduction. A history of a penal colony in Panama, 1919-1935
dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner

Ezer Vierba

The Capaccocha rite. Imperial human sacrifices in Cusco area under Inca rule
​dirigida por Dr. Gerardo Leibner y Prof. Jan Szemiñski

Barak Afik  (2004)

Revolution and leader in headlines: Cuba, Castro and the American Press
dirigida por  Dr. Gerardo  Leibner

Aviv Cohen (2003)

A "New Woman" for a "New Spain" -The Feminine Section of the Spanish Falange and the Construction of a New Feminine Identity
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Inbal Ofer (2002

The teacher as an agent of alternative culture
dirigida por Prof. Raanan Rein

Tamar Groves (2002)

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