Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina Caribe - EIAL.
Edited by R. Rein, G. Leibner, O. Preuss
Published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, E.I.A.L. is devoted to the study of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Previous Themes:
Vol. 27 (2016), 1: Latin American Popular Music during the Cold War
Subscriptions: $20 Students, $30 Individuals, $40 Institutions
Please make check payable to: Tel Aviv University, E.I.A.L.
E-Mail: eial@post.tau.ac.il
Previous Themes:
Vol. 27 (2016), 1: Latin American Popular Music during the Cold War
Subscriptions: $20 Students, $30 Individuals, $40 Institutions
Please make check payable to: Tel Aviv University, E.I.A.L.
E-Mail: eial@post.tau.ac.il