
Academic Staff


Fields of research

Prof. Gerardo Leibner

Latin American revolutionaries in a transnational context,            1959-1979.

Social transformations and social values under dictatorship, Montevideo 1973-1984.

Prof. Raanan Rein

Modern history of Latin America and Spain.

Populist movements in Latin America.

Immigration, ethnicity and identity in South America.

Sports and politics in Latin America.

Dr. Rosalie Sitman

Identity, politics and culture on both sides of the Andes: An intellectual biography of Samuel Glusberg.

Cultural dialogues among literary reviews in the Southern Cone.

Dr. Ori Preuss

Nineteenth century Latin America with a special focus on Brazil.

Transnational cultural exchanges within Latin America.

New diplomatic history.

Entangled history.

History and translation.

Prof. (Emeritus) Tzvi Medin

The reception of Ortega y Gasset in Spain during the 20th century: philosophy, culture, society and political ideology.

The application of the hermeneutic theory in the field of intellectual history.

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